Alexander – The Making of a God

What is it? -> A Netflix series in 6 episodes.

What did I think of it? -> It wasn’t great but it was interesting. Why because it shows a part of the world that I don’t know. Especially in the past. It’s a mythological world. But also the world of ancient history.

Give some facts about Alexander: -> Yeah, he was born approximately 300 years BC. There is even today a kind of hype around this historical figure apparently. He was from Macedon and wanted to conquer the Persian empire, which he did (SPOILER!) and yeah he was in his 30ies when he died.

Another interesting side fact for me: –> He was bisexual or gay in today’s words. The film shows this in a scene in the first episode. Then it’s more in the background. You see Alexander turning from a young exiled prince into the king of Macedon, then becoming a soldier-general, gaining the respect of his troops and you see his two childhood friends, Hephaistion and Ptolemy.

The more documentary part (in contrast to what is fictionalized or narrated in a fictional way) is also interesting because it shows diverse experts, surprisingly many women. All professors or archeologists, entitled to talk and explain the story behind the myth.

Trailer of the series

See the full cast here:

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